Conference Fee

Conference Fee

Base conference fee
 Item Base VAT - 23% Together
 Until March 31st, 2025 398,37 €* 91,63 € 490,00 €
 After April 1st, 2025 422,76 €* 97,24 € 520,00 €
 For PhD. Students 300,81 €* 69,19 € 370,00 €
 For accompanying person 130,08 €* 29,92 € 160,00 €

The Conference Fee includes participation in all conference activities, the Abstract Booklet printout available at Conference Registration Desk, the Conference Proceedings in the indexed journal of "” publisher available after a review process of papers, morning and afternoon refreshments, lunches and dinners during the conference.

 Item Base VAT - 23% Together
 General Advertising Partner 1.000,00 €* 230,00 € 1.230,00 €
 Advertising Partner 500,00 €* 115,00 € 615,00 €
 Additional payment for exhibitors, exhibition table per 3 days 400,00 €* 92,00 € 492,00 €
 Advertising publication of the company name with the logo on the cover of the Conference Proceedings “Metallography & Fractography XIX.” with the “advertising partner” marking 500,00 €* 115,00 € 615,00 €
 One-page black & white advertisement of the company in the Abstract Booklet and One-page colored advertisement of the company in the Conference Proceedings 500,00 €* 115,00 € 615,00 €
 Location of the company logo (banner) in the congress hall during the conference 400,00 €* 92,00 € 492,00 €
 Publishing of the company logo on webpage in "Sponsor section" 300,00 €* 69,00 € 369,00 €
 Conference tour

* 0% VAT applies only to organizations that are registered for VAT in their own country, outside of the Slovak Republic. This means it applies to VAT-registered organizations from countries within and outside of the European Union.
All necessary information regarding Payment and VAT will be provided by phone: +421 903 249 123, or by email:


It is regretted that no refund can be made or invoices canceled for non-attending conference participants. In this case, the printout of Conference Proceedings “Metallography & Fractography XIX” in the indexed journal of "” publisher will be mailed to non-attending participants. An exchange of conference participants is possible at any time, but information for organizers is required.

We ask authors to note that their accepted papers will be published in the indexed journal of "" publisher only after payment of the appropriate conference fee will be received.


Bank: Fio banka, a.s., Slovak Republic in IBAN: SK22 8330 0000 0023 0081 5059, SWIFT CODE: FIOZSKBAXXX, in favour of Lumakon, s.r.o. Košice, Na Šajbe 1A, 040 01 Košice (IČO: 47082577, DIČ: 2023759925, IČ DPH (VAT Reg. No.): SK2023759925, registered for VAT). Please remember to include the name of the organization and of the participant in the transfer order.
Please make a payment of the total conference fees after your Binding registration. Please remember to include the name of the organization and of the participant in the transfer order.